The main content context since the beginning of HUMAN FORUM history has been to find the answer to the question whether democracy in Slovakia and Europe is in danger. Various factors influence the development of democracy, and each year we pay attention to those that resonate most across society. Last year was dedicated to the role of citizens in a democratic society. We focused on civic activism. The basic question was: Why (not) is citizens' good involvement? Proponents as well as critics of civil society spoke in the debate. We create the company ourselves. If we want to live in a democratic society, we cannot count on having it, we have to create and improve it every day.

Target Group(s):
  • Active citizens
  • Experts in CVE/PVE
Topics tackled :
  • Countering and preventing violent extremism
  • Active citizenship
Dates of the Conference:
  • from 2019-11-25 to 2019-11-26
Agenda / Programme:

To be confirmed