Job Shadowing
Job Shadowing AONTAS EU Project Officer

This job shadowing opportunity will provide a unique insight into how AONTAS staff organise and manage Erasmus+ KA1 Mobility projects. This includes supporting their roles as well as developing a deeper knowledge and understanding of other roles and functions within AONTAS such as Communications. It can also be used to provide an individual with the opportunity to learn and develop within their current role, plus determine potential career opportunities and/or help to increase understanding of processes, improve performance especially in organisational skills, specific system skills or when a particular area of skill ‘goal’ has been identified..
- Those interested in developing their competencies around EU Projects generally and specifically in relation to Erasmus+ KA1 projects.
- from 2019-12-02 to 2020-12-31
- Sam O'Brien-Olinger
Job Shadowing EU Project Officer will involve hands-on experience of developing, organising and managing Mobilities as part of current and planned Erasmus+ KA1 Projects.
Experiential learning through observation will be supplemented by training in specific project management tools that will be applied to current and planned EU projects.
Self-assessment using a pre and post job shadowing questionnaire will be used in conjunction with the AONTAS EU Project Officer’s written evaluation using standard staff performance appraisal indicators.
AONTAS certificate will be issued to successful applicant in recognition of their increased competences, overall learning and contribution to the work of AONTAS around EU projects